Mentorship and Leadership
I am excited to work with my industry colleagues who are passionate about their careers and serving their clients through these times of change. Now more than ever, we need to join together to inspire one another; work to educate our community as to the importance of working relationships with agents and brokers; and to create a valued presence and relationship with our legislators on the State and Federal level.
{SAHU} is excited to announce the rebranding of our Sacramento association to keep up with the rebranding at the state level, California Agents & Health Insurance Professionals- (CAHIP), to the national level the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP). Our local chapter rebranding will make it easier for everyone to understand what we do and truly represent our members the way it was intended. And, by doing so, we can help develop a stronger connection amongst one another to grow our presence as a leader in the community.