Category: Year in Review

SAHU 2022 – 2023 Year in Review

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Year in Review | 2021 – 2022

From Past-President Carmen Perea

Now that 2022 is coming to a close, I want to reflect on our 2021-2022 Fiscal year.

These last couple of years have been challenging for all, and our industry was not immune to Covid.  We’ve all seen the impact on our industry and I’m happy to see our resiliency shine!

During this time, we at SAHU, myself and board Members continued with the work needed to keep our Association going.  We morphed in many ways, as other industries did, we went online with Zoom meetings and avoided in person events. 

Although the zoom meetings have become a staple of the business world, thankfully this year was a return to form. The Crab Feed and the Business Expo, our biggest yearly events, returned to being in-person at the Citrus Height Community Center and were each wonderfully successful.

Another great accomplishment, which I give kudos to Helen Ornellas, Executive Director for the fiscal year and to Rosamaria Marrujo, TAIA President/Owner and current SAHU President.  They worked diligently in streamlining by automating many of the internal processes, which have made running SAHU much easier. Having the technology and updated website, has made it easier for our audience to engage with SAHU.

Our leadership approach has been to move forward with utilizing technology to our advantage and advancing our reach to our Broker community.  If you’re a member and have attended our meetings/events, you know the value our Association provides.  Share this with other Brokers!  We want to continue to grow, and with all the changes and Rosamaria’s leadership, I’m sure we will.

With that being said, perhaps you’ll consider joining the Board and giving back to your industry.  We are actively seeking a President for the next year.  If so, reach out to Rosamaria (

Thank you for allowing me to lead SAHU as this was a wonderful opportunity for me to meet more valuable brokers, carrier reps, vendors, etc. and learn so much from our great speakers during the year.

– Carmen, SAHU President 2021-22

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Year in Review | 2020 – 2021

From Past-President Samantha Siders

Last year felts so long ago, but the term actually ended just at the end of June. So, it wasn’t all that long ago, and it was quite an interesting term. We obviously had a pandemic to deal with, we had to get creative with our events, and we were forced to go virtual with our meetings. This was quite interesting, and I have to say not what I expected when I signed up as president of SAHU for that Term. I have to tell you the team of our partners, our members, and our supporters really pulled together and made it so we had a very successful term.

Our main goals for the last term were to get new membership, have virtual meetings (Who know?! I think I might have jinxed us thereâ€Ķ), then do a whole SAHU Refresh for imaging and website, and to get more exposure in general.

Regarding new membership, we were able to increase our membership just a little bit during our term. We also held a membership blitz, and then increased our social media presents in an effort to gain even more membership in the continuing terms as well.

Virtual meetings started as an initiative we wanted to put in place, and it ended up being something mandatory. So, we were able to successfully move all the monthly programming over to virtual. Which in fact, in many cases increased our attendance when compared to the in-person meetings. This is why, even though we may be able to find venues here and there where we can hold in-person meetings, we’re finding that more and more people have access to our monthly meetings by going virtual. It’s been really great! We also had a successful Professional Development Day that went virtual as well. Some wonderful achievements by the board and the whole team.

On the topic of more exposure and the SAHU refresh. Theses two things kind of go hand in hand. If you haven’t noticed, we have a brand-new logo and new website. If you haven’t gone on the website yet, please do ( It’s amazing and very user friendly. We have new E-blast going out, and then again, we have a big social media initiative that we’ve been working on as well.

We also received CAHU Awards for Medium Chapter of the Year, Outstanding Chapter Newsletter, and Website of the Year!

Thank you for all your support! To our SAHU partners, members, and supporters, we couldn’t have done any of this without you. On behalf of myself, as former president, and the board of directors, both past and current years, we thank you so much for your support!

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The 2021 SAHU Business Expo Free Virtual Event

SAHU to Host 2021 Virtual Business Expo

Join the 2021 SAHU Business Expo, a free virtual event coming on Thursday, July 29, 2021.

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SAHU 2021 Golf Tournament Recap

SAHU Scores Success with 2021 Golf Tournament

The 2021 SAHU Golf Tournament was held on Friday, May 21, with over 100 golf tournament attendees for a day of industry fun and networking.

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Year in Review: 2019-2020

SAHU Board Induction Ceremony July 2019
The 2019-2020 SAHU Board of Directors. Featured (left to right): Dave Brabender, Angela Jones, Rosamaria Marrujo, Michele Meder, Marriette Lesley, Teresa Sale, Lisa Merzick, Teri Blake, Connie Correia, Carmen Perea, Samantha Siders, Alexis DeVorss, Josh Keller, David Fear, Jr.

The 2019-2020 SAHU Board Year was strong despite the onset of COVID-19 and resulting restrictions.

We started with our Board Induction Ceremony in July 2019 for 2019-2020 SAHU Board of Directors (see list below).

President Elect
Immediate Past President
Secretary / Treasurer
Community Service
Professional Development
Carrier Relations
Membership (Retention)
Membership (New)
Executive Director
Executive Director

Josh Keller
Samantha Siders
Alexis DeVorss
Carmen Parea
Alexis DeVorss
Cinnamon Trimpey
Michele Meder
Teresa Sale
Rosamaria Marrujo
Mariette Lesley
Connie Correia
Michele Dolce
Lisa Merzick
Teri Blake
Angela Jones
David Brabender
Jeannie Burns
Helen Ornellas

On July 9, 2019, our chapter hosted a fun Vanguard Family Movie Night event, where chapter members attended with their families for food and fun for all at a local outdoor venue. The event was sponsored by LISI and hosted by the Vanguard team.

In November 2019, we successfully held our Annual Toy Drive to benefit the River Oak Center for Children. We finished the year with our Annual Food Drive and Chili Cook-off in December, bringing together chapter members to enjoy the holidays and support the Sacramento Food Bank.

Our January 2020 Annual Crab Feed was one of our best ever, with over 400 attendees and a record-setting Live Auction to help raise funds for our chapter and related charitable causes.

SAHU Members at the 2020 SAHU Crab Feed
SAHU Members at the 2020 SAHU Crab Feed

Prior to the COVID-19 shutdown, SAHU Members & Board Chairs attended the NAHU Capitol Conference in Washington, D.C. from February 24-26, 2020.

SAHU Members at the 2020 NAHU Capitol Conference in Washington, D.C.
SAHU Members at the 2020 NAHU Capitol Conference in Washington, D.C.

We stood strong as a chapter as the world changed under COVID-19, altering our meetings and events to keep our members and community safe. We took member meetings to Zoom to allow attendees to stay connected, as well as provided ongoing professional development and training with CE courses.

We closed our Board Year with participation in the NAHU Annual Convention in June, held virtually for the first time as well. Members attended virtual sessions and networked with fellow professionals.

Our awards and certifications from this year included winning the 2020 Pacesetter Award for the sixth year in a row, and being NAHU Gold Certified for the fourth continuous year.

2020 SAHU pacesetter award
SAHU 2020 gold certified


Looking ahead to next year, we are dedicated to maintaining our chapter, ongoing education, fundraising and events as much as possible in the face of COVID restrictions. Our members are proud to keep working for the betterment of the health, financial and retirement needs of our local community and all Californians through our education, advocacy, legislation and professional development.


Josh Keller
SAHU President, 2019-2020


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