A Letter from the President

I am excited to work with my industry colleagues who are passionate about their careers and serving their clients through these times of change.  Now more than ever, we need to join together to inspire one another; work to educate our...


Involvement with your professional association is the best way to connect, grow, and ultimately succeed in your profession.

Our Mission is to

improve our member’s ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Californians through education, advocacy, legislation and professional development.

Our Vision is for

every American to have access to personalized solutions for health, financial and retirement security using the services of local insurance professionals.

Our Strategic Objectives are to

exceed our members’ expectations, recruit a significant number of local health insurance agents to be SAHU members, and to be known as leaders in the industry and in public policy forums.

When you become a SAHU member, you demonstrate your commitment to professionalism to your clients.

Code of Ethics

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